Geib Yoshi
NEW Latest edition to Geib Buttercut Shears.
Choose from 8.5" straight, 8.5" curved, 7" blenders, 7.5" chunkers
Right handed or Left handed
Burnished Matte finish and slim comfort inserts.
Fine Convex edge finishing Scissor designed for the final finish. Perfect for Competition & Show work or 'special' dogs that come into the salon on a regular basis. Smooth easy action if operated by skilled experienced professional. Good for fine finishing on fine to medium coats that have been perfectly prepared.
Ergonomically designed for comfort, beautifully balanced in the average sized hand. Perfect for the highly skilled with meticulous coat preparation. A lovely Scissor for the discerning hobby / show groomer with Poodles and Bichon Frise etc.
Note from Joanne: The 38T blender is EXACTLY like Utsumi , shark teeth yet longer. Great quality and light in the hands. smooth action. Love this Scissor for Competition & Show work and it is capable of an excellent fine finishing in skilled hands. Scissor great for fine to medium density wool and drop coats that have been prepared to a high standard.